Reciprocity and Obligation in Dutch-Indian Diplomacy

Lesson Procedures 


This seventh grade lesson explores the essential question: “How did American Indians and the Dutch resolve their differences and create alliances?” Students will explore both the form and content of Dutch-Indian diplomacy by reading and analyzing excerpts from four historic documents. They will review what they learned by reenacting a 1659 diplomatic exchange between the Mohawks and the Dutch, and as a culminating activity, they will write a short document-based essay.

Download lesson procedures as a PDF.

About the New Netherland Institute

For over three decades, NNI has helped cast light on America's Dutch roots. In 2010, it partnered with the New York State Office of Cultural Education to establish the New Netherland Research Center, with matching funds from the State of the Netherlands. NNI is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. More

The New Netherland Research Center

Housed in the New York State Library, the NNRC offers students, educators, scholars and researchers a vast collection of early documents and reference works on America's Dutch era. More


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