Explore Dutch America through documents, artifacts, people & places
Trace the march of time through New Netherland
A text timeline listing key events from the arrival of the Norsemen to the departure of the Dutch.
Events in the Dutch world to commemorate on days throughout the year. From January's signing of the Union of Utrecht to December's Sinterklaas.
Timeline of New Netherland and the Atlantic World in the West India Company’s First Decade Chartering of the West India, 1620-1630
Meet prominent Dutch Americans from original settlers to those who impact our world today
Entertaining ways to learn more about the Dutch in America & around the globe
What Was New Netherland?
An introduction to the people and places of Dutch North America
For over three decades, NNI has helped cast light on America's Dutch roots. In 2010, it partnered with the New York State Office of Cultural Education to establish the New Netherland Research Center, with matching funds from the State of the Netherlands. NNI is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. More
Housed in the New York State Library, the NNRC offers students, educators, scholars and researchers a vast collection of early documents and reference works on America's Dutch era. More
Subscribe to NNI's e-Marcurius and DAGNN-L to receive information about New Netherland-related events, activities, conferences, and research.
Dutch American Group (DAG)
To learn more about the Dutch American Group or to join go to DAG
By supporting NNI you help increase awareness of the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland and its legacy in America.
New Netherland Institute, 272 Broadway
Albany, New York 12204
United States
Phone: 518-708-8720 Fax: 518-275-0605 Email: nni@newnetherlandinstitute.org
Web Site Credits
Design: ReZolv Creative
Development: Web Instinct