Slavery in New Netherland

This is from the updated Guide to Dutch Mss. Available translations are linked in the Guide. I will fix.

Church Records Old Bergen Church, Jersey City

BAPTISMS from 1 January 1666 to 1 February 1789. Translation: HSY, (1913) 20-108
from 3 December 1665 to 5 October 1788. Translation: HSY, (1914) 57-80

BURIALS from 4 March 1666 to 18 December 1788. Translation: HSY, (1915) 21-55
of the Members from 1664 to 2 April 1769. Translation: HSY, (1915) 57-77

Other translations of the above can be found in volume 4 of NYGBSC and in the Sterling Potter Collection at the New York State Library.

Old First Reformed Church, Park Slope, Brooklyn

BAPTISMS from 31 October 1660 to 18 May 1710
Manual of the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn, (1869) 448-504. MARRIAGES from 31 October 1660 to 6 June 1696
Manual of the Common Council of the City of Brooklyn, (1867) 407-412. MEMBERS from 12 September 1661 to June 1702
Translations of the 3 above can also be found in the Sterling Potter Collection at the New York State Library.
PROTOCOL of the Consistory of Brooklyn, 5 September 1660 - 30 July 1664 ORPHANS of the Deaconry, 22 November 1662 - 23 July 1664
COWS of the Deaconry, 14 May 1662
RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES of the Deacons, 1660 - 6 July 1664
EXPENDITURES, 1660 - 23 July 1664
Translation (of all 8 above):
Old First Dutch Reformed Church of Brooklyn, New York : First Book of Records, 1660-1752. Jos van der Linde trans. and ed. 1983; Sterling Potter

Collection at the New York State Library.

Collegiate Church of the City of New York

RECORDS, Liber A, 1639-1701: A copy of earlier material, written in the hand of Hen- ricus Selijns, containing: the register of ministers, elders and deacons, 1668-1700 (pages 201-217); baptisms, 1639-1695 (pages 247-494); register of the members, 1649-1701 (page 495); and marriages, 11 December 1639 - 26 June 1700/1701 (pages 569-694); 713 pages.


Appendix D - Church Records

Translation: Liber A : 1628-1700 of the Collegiate Churches of New York. Francis J. Sypher, Jr. trans. and ed. 2009, this also includes a transcription; NYGBSC (1890 and 1901).

* LIST OF ACCOUNTS, September 1672
JOURNAL of the deaconry; 70 pages, 2 September 1672 - 6 August 1673

First Church in Albany

* DEACONS' ACCOUNTS of the First Church in Beverwyck/Albany, NY; Dutch and English; 1 volume.
Deacons' Accounts, 1652-1674, First Dutch Reformed Church of Beverwyck/ Albany, New York. Janny Venema, trans. and ed. 1998.

Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush

* RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURES of the deaconry of Midwout; 60 pages, 1654-1684 Translation: Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York: Volume II Midwood Deacon's Accounts 1654-1709. David William Voorhees, trans. and ed., 2010; manuscript transcription and translation available at the Holland Society.

* ACCOUNTS of the church master of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flat- bush, 1654-1684; 1 volume.
Translation: manuscript transcription and translation available at the Holland Society.

Old Dutch Church, Kingston

BAPTISMS, 11 December 1660 - 31 December 1809.
MARRIAGES, 3 October 1660 - 30 November 1809.
Baptismal and Marriage Registers of the Old Dutch Church of Kingston. Ro- swell Randal Hoes, transc. and ed. 1891.

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For over three decades, NNI has helped cast light on America's Dutch roots. In 2010, it partnered with the New York State Office of Cultural Education to establish the New Netherland Research Center, with matching funds from the State of the Netherlands. NNI is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. More

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