To search the Guide to Dutch Manuscripts visit the New York State Library online catalog. Then click Power Search.
Two steps are required to limit your search to the Guide.
1) With words or phrase selected in the drop-down menu of any of the fields, enter "guide to dutch manuscripts". Note: Entries are not case-sensitive.
2) Select "HDI" (Historical Document Inventory) from the drop-down-menu next to "library."
Any search is now restricted to the Guide.
Searching with only the two mandatory entries described above will return all records in the Guide, including both repository descriptions (identified as such) and document descriptions.
To refine your search, supplement the mandatory fields with additional search criteria. These may include Title, Author, Subject (which must correspond to a Library of Congress Subject heading) and additional Words or Phrase(s). You may use And, Or, and Not operators with these fields. A record will be returned if the search term is a partial match to the field selected.
Note: If you are not familiar with Library of Congress subject headings, you may want to search by words or phrase. Then click on the hypertext links to select a particular subject heading.
For instructions on searching and browsing by repository, visit our respository page.
To the left of each brief record and the upper left of a full record is a small Keep button. To compile records for printing or emailing, click the Keep button for each record of interest. After compiling the records, click the Kept button near the top of the screen.
To view or print, click View or Print Formatted (the output will be the same) and your results will show on the screen. To print the list, use your browser's print command.
To email your list, enter your email address and click Email. The screen will show a message confirming that your results have been e-mailed.
Using your browser's back button during a search will likely cause an error. To return to the previous page, click Go Back at the top-left of your screen.
Using Words or Phrase will return the most results. Unlike other options (Author, Subject, etc), the search is not restricted to one field in the catalog record.
Start a search in the New York State Library catalog.